Set a new Species

The INNUENDO Platform is species dependent. Which means that any project, protocol or workflow needs to be associated with a species. The scope of the INNUENDO Project was to develop analysis strategies from 4 target species: Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter jejuni. However, the platform is scalable to add any other species upon some configuration. In this example we are going to exemplify on how to add speciesA.

NOTE: Most of the modifications required are in the INNUENDO_REST_API application.

1 - Add a new database model

Each species in the INNUENDO Platform has a dedicated wgMLST profile database. As so, a new model for it needs to be added inside the app/models/ file of the INNUENDO_REST_API app.

# Example of adding species A. Inside file near the other mlst
# database classes

class SpeciesA(db.Model):
    Defines the species specific storage of profiles and its classification.
    Salmonella specification.

    # Name of the database table
    __tablename__ = "speciesA"

    # The name of the mlst_database
    __bind_key__ = 'mlst_database'

    # Required fields on each wgMLST species database
    id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True)
    version = db.Column(db.String(255))
    # Platform classifiers
    classifier_l1 = db.Column(db.String(255))
    classifier_l2 = db.Column(db.String(255))
    classifier_l3 = db.Column(db.String(255))
    allelic_profile = db.Column(JSON)
    strain_metadata = db.Column(JSON)
    # Tell if it is legacy or from the platform
    platform_tag = db.Column(db.String(255))
    timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime)

This new model needs to be loaded with in case of installation from source. In case of the docker-compose verison, it will be loaded automatically on start.

2 - Import model on

The model needs then to be imported to be used by the application. This can be made by importing it at app/ of the INNUENDO_REST_API app. The species_correspondece dictionary needs also to be updated to allow association of the models with a key.

# Example of adding speciesA to the model imports at app/
from app.models.models import Ecoli, Yersinia, Salmonella, Campylobacter, SpeciesA

# Change the species_correspondece object to associate model with a key
database_correspondece = {
    "E.coli": Ecoli,
    "Yersinia": Yersinia,
    "Salmonella": Salmonella,
    "SpeciesA": SpeciesA

3 - Update the files

The files need also to be updated in order for the application to know which species should use, the classification levels, and which files use for wgMLST database. These modifications are required on both INNUENDO_REST_API and INNUENDO_PROCESS_CONTROLLER.

Updating on INNUENDO_REST_API application

# Example of updates for speciesA

# Add speciesA to the list with all the available species
# NOTE: the name needs to be the same as the key used in the
# database_correspondece on step 2

# Add the  Association between species ID in the platform with the species name
    "E.coli": "Escherichia coli",
    "Yersinia": "Yersinia enterocolitica",
    "Salmonella": "Salmonella enterica",
    "Campylobacter": "Campylobacter jejuni"
    "SpeciesA": "Species A real name"

# Add the wgMLST fast-mlst index file correspondence
wg_index_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/ecoli_wg",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/yersinia_wg",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/salmonella_wg",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/speciesA_wg"

# Add Path to the core index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x
# differences
core_index_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/ecoli_core",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/yersinia_core",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/salmonella_core",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/speciesA_core"

# Add Path to the list of the wg loci for each species
wg_headers_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/ecoli_headers_wg.txt",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/yersinia_headers_wg.txt",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/salmonella_headers_wg.txt",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/speciesA_headers_wg.txt"

# Add Path to the list of the core loci for each species
core_headers_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/ecoli_headers_core.txt",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/yersinia_headers_core.txt",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/salmonella_headers_core.txt",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/speciesA_headers_core.txt"

# Add Location of the file with the core profiles for each species. Used to
# contruct the search index
core_increment_profile_file_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"

# Add Location of the file with wg profiles for each species. Used to contruct the
# search index
wg_increment_profile_file_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Campylobacter": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"


# Add chewBBACA prodigal training file if not assigned in the protocol
    "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/prodigal_training_files/prodigal_training_files/Escherichia_coli.trn",
    "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/prodigal_training_files/prodigal_training_files/Yersinia_enterocolitica.trn",
    "Campylobacter": "/INNUENDO/inputs/prodigal_training_files/prodigal_training_files/Campylobacter_jejuni.trn",
    "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/prodigal_training_files/prodigal_training_files/Salmonella_enterica.trn"
    "SpeciesA": "/prodigal/training/file/location"

# Add name user for chewBBACA in case not assigned in the protocol
    "E.coli": "Escherichia coli",
    "Yersinia": "Yersinia enterocolitica",
    "Campylobacter": "Campylobacter jejuni",
    "Salmonella": "Salmonella enterica",
    "SpeciesA": "Species a"

# Add Torsten's mlst correspondence
    "E.coli": "ecoli",
    "Yersinia": "yersinia",
    "Campylobacter": "campylobacter",
    "Salmonella": "senterica",
    "SpeciesA": "speciesa"


# Add the wgMLST fast-mlst index file correspondence
wg_index_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/ecoli_wg",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/yersinia_wg",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/salmonella_wg",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/speciesA_wg"

# Add Path to the core index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x
# differences
core_index_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/ecoli_core",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/yersinia_core",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/salmonella_core",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/speciesA_core"

# Add Path to the list of the wg loci for each species
wg_headers_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/ecoli_headers_wg.txt",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/yersinia_headers_wg.txt",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/salmonella_headers_wg.txt",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/speciesA_headers_wg.txt"

# Add Path to the list of the core loci for each species
core_headers_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/ecoli_headers_core.txt",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/yersinia_headers_core.txt",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/salmonella_headers_core.txt",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists/speciesA_headers_core.txt"

# Add Location of the file with the core profiles for each species. Used to
# contruct the search index
core_increment_profile_file_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"

# Add Location of the file with wg profiles for each species. Used to contruct the
# search index
wg_increment_profile_file_correspondece = {
    "v1": {
        "E.coli": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Yersinia": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Salmonella": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/",
        "Campylobacter": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"
        "SpeciesA": "/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes/"

# Update the expected genome size of SpeciesA
species_expected_genome_size = {
    "E.coli": "5",
    "Yersinia": "4.7",
    "Salmonella": "4.6",
    "Campylobacter": "1.6",
    "SpeciesA": "GenomeSize"

To know on how to create the required legacy database files, check the Set legacy database section.