
Docker-compose and the use of Docker allows running all the required INNUENDO Platform components in a controller environment (containers) in a very simple way.

Since it uses the docker-images as built using the developed Dockerfiles that act as a recipe for the installation of all components, it releases that burden from the user.


For the docker-compose version of the INNUENDO Platform you will need to install the following software.

  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose

On Ubuntu

First, add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to the system.

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

Add the Docker repository to APT sources.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Next, update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo.

sudo apt-get update

Install Docker.

sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

Docker should now be installed, the daemon started, and the process enabled to start on boot. Check that it’s running.

sudo systemctl status docker

Next we will install docker-compose. We will check the current release and if necessary, update it in the command below.

sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Next we will set the permissions.

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Then we can verify that the installation was successful by checking the version.

docker-compose --version

On Windows and Mac

Install the executables from the docker-compose page.


Each component of the INNUENDO Platform can be configured by modifying its configuration file. Configuration files are located at configs/ and are files required for the Platform to work.

NOTE: Modifying these files might lead to corruption of the application. Proceed with care.

Each file belonging to each component is described bellow.

Frontend Server

The Frontend server has one configuration file located at configs/app/ that has a set of variables required for this module to work in cooperation with the process controller.

Below defaults are for the docker-compose version.

IP address of the machine, default: web
Root address of PHYLOViZ Online. default: http://web:82
AllegroGraph server IP adress. default: web
Current address of the frontend application. default: http://’+FRONTEND_IP+’/app
INNUENDO Process Controller IP address. default: web
Job submission route. default: http://’+JOBS_IP+’/jobs/’
Route to get information about fastq files. default:http://’+JOBS_IP+’/jobs/fastqs/’
Reports application route. default: “http://localhost/reports”
Secret key for flask-security hash.
Flask-security type of hash used.
Flaks-security salt used.
Email of the platform administrator. default:
Administrator name. default: Admin
ADministrator username. default: innuendo_admin
Administrator password.
Group identifier for admins. default: 501
Redis queue URL. default: redis://redis:6379
Allow Flask-security view to register. default: False
Allow Flask-security view to recover password. default: True
Allow Flask-security view to change password. default: True
SHow Flask-security messages. default: True
Path for fast-mlst application used for profile classification and search. default: /Frontend/fast-mlst
Currently available FlowCraft tags. More information on FlowCraft documentation.
User owner of the postgreSQL database. default: innuendo
Password of the postgreSQL user. default: innuendo_database
URI for the wgMLST profile database. default: ‘postgresql://’+DATABASE_USER+’:’+DATABASE_PASS + ‘@db_mlst/mlst_database’
URI for the innuendo database. default: ‘postgresql://’+DATABASE_USER+’:’+DATABASE_PASS+’@db_innuendo/innuendo’
Databases that bind to SQLAlchemy.
Location to store and update database files. default: os.path.join(basedir, ‘db_repository’)
Track database modification. default: True
Enable CSRF. default: False
Application entry route. default: ‘/app’
LDAP client IP definition. default: LDAP_IP
LDAP protocol version. default: 3
Base repository reference. default: dc=innuendo,dc=com
Platform login method. Used to distinguish between LDAP authentication and single user authentication used in the docker version. default: None
Login group identifier. Used in case of docker version. default: 501
Single user home directory. Used in case of docker version. default: /INNUENDO/
Single user username. Used in case of docker version. default: innuendo_user
Single user password. Used in case of docker version. default: innuendo_user
Single user email. Used in case of docker version. default:
All supported species. default: [“E.coli”,”Yersinia”,”Campylobacter”,”Salmonella”]
chewBBACA report on profile to replace with 0.
Path to the wg index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x differences. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/ecoli_wg”}
Path to the core index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x differences. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/ecoli_core”}
Path to the list of the wg loci for each species. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/core_lists/ecoli_headers_wg.txt”}
Path to the list of the core loci for each species. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/core_lists/ecoli_headers_core.txt”}
Location of the file with the core profiles for each species. Used to contruct the search index. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/”}
Location of the file with wg profiles for each species. Used to contruct the search index. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/”}
Classification levels for each specie. Number of profile differences. Example: {“E.coli”: [8, 112, 793]}
Name of the AllegroGraph repository. default: innuendo
AllegroGraph user. default: innuendo
AllegroGraph password. default: innuendo_allegro

Controller Server

The Controller server has one configuration file located at configs/app/ that has a set of variables required for this module to work in cooperation with the frontend and the workflow managers.

Below defaults are for the docker-compose version.

Redis queue URL. default: redis://redis:6379
Aspera key location. default: ~/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
Location of the files folder in relation to the user home directory. default: ftp/files
Specifications of each nextflow process. Can be used to specify each parameter of any given process. Example: { “integrity_coverage”:{“memory”: r“‘2GB’”,”cpus”: “1”}
IP address of the machine. default: web
IP address of the frontend server. default: web
Default SLURM CPUs used when a process is not specified. default: 8
Nextflow profile to use. Those are specified in the FlowCraft software. default: desktop
Location of the FlowCraft software executable. default: /Controller/flowcraft/flowcraft/
FlowCraft recipe to use. It defines the set of processes that can be used and their relationships. default: innuendo
Location of the fastq files in the user directory structure. Used by FlowCraft to search for paired end reads. default: “data/_{1,2}.
Route used to set the output status of processes. Example: http://+SERVER_IP+/jobs/setoutput/
Route used to set the reports and store them on the database. Example: http://+FRONTEND_SERVER_IP+/app/api/v1.0/jobs/report/
Partition name used by SLURM to launch chewBBACA processes. Can only run one chewBBACA at a time. default: chewBBACA
Location of the chewBBACA schemas. default: /INNUENDO/inputs/schemas
Location of prodigal training files for each specie. Example: { “E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/prodigal_training_files/prodigal_training_files/Escherichia_coli.trn”, }
SeqTyping FILE_O location. default: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/serotyping_files/escherichia_coli/1_O_type.fasta”}
Seqtyping FILE_H location. default: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/serotyping_files/escherichia_coli/2_H_type.fasta”}
Path to the wg index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x differences. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/ecoli_wg”}
Path to the core index file used by fast-mlst for profile search up to x differences. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/ecoli_core”}
Path to the list of the wg loci for each species. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/core_lists/ecoli_headers_wg.txt”}
Path to the list of the core loci for each species. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/core_lists/ecoli_headers_core.txt”}
Location of the file with the core profiles for each species. Used to contruct the search index. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/”}
Location of the file with wg profiles for each species. Used to contruct the search index. Example: {“E.coli”: “/INNUENDO/inputs/indexes/”}
AllegroGraph repository name. default: innuendo
AllegroGraph username. default: innuendo
AllegroGraph user password. default: innuendo_allegro

Flowcraft Configuration

The Flowcraft webapp application has two configuration files located at configs/flowcraft that has a set of variables required for this module to work in cooperation with the frontend.

Below are the defaults for the docker-compose version.

Route location to fetch for reports. default: http://localhost/reports

Running the INNUENDO Platform

Retrieving the docker-compose version

To launch the docker-compose version of the INNUENDO Platform, first need to get
the INNUENDO_docker repository from github that has all the

required Dockerfiles and structures for communication between the containers and the user file system.

git clone

Launching the application

Running the INNUENDO Platform is very simple. You can lauch it with a single command.

# Access the INNUENDO docker repository
cd </path/to/INNUENDO_docker>

# Launch the application
docker-compose up

The last command will pull all the required images first then it will launch all the Docker containers. They will will communicate between each other by a docker network that is built by default with docker-compose.

Downloading legacy data and building profile databases

The application provides a script to download all the required files to perform comparisons with some already publicly available strains. This is made through the download of the following data available here:

  • chewBBACA schemas
  • Legacy strain metadata (for each species)
  • Legacy strain profiles (for each species)
  • Serotyping files
  • Prodigal training files

These data will be available under ./inputs and will be mapped to the docker containers running the application.

The script also build the required files for a rapid comparison between profiles using fast-mlst and populates the mlst_database.

To run the script, type the following command:

# Enter repository directory
cd <innuendo_docker_directory>/build_files

# Run script to get legacy input files

These steps might take up to 1h depending on the available internet connection and the host machine.

Loading data from a pre-defined backup

We offer an option to load a predefined set of protocols and workflows, together with test projects and strains. Currently, this option is only available for machines with above 8 cpus and 8gb of RAM. This is due to the backup expecting at least those resources for at least one of the predefined protocols.

To load the predefined data, do the following:

# Enter the build_files directory
cd <innuendo_docker_directory>/build_files

# Run the script to load the data

NOTE: The above script will delete ALL data available in the AllegroGraph database and INNUENDO general database. It will then replaced by the predefined data.

Mapping data into the Docker containers

To map data between the user filesystem and the containers, docker-compose already has a directive to deal with that action.

Inside the docker-compose.yml you got all the required attributes to launch the container and the interaction between other containers.

Below is described the directives used to launch a service in docker-compose.

# Service for the INNUENDO frontend. Requires the config files for the
# application and mapping of the fastq files
    # this service uses the dockerfile inside the Frontend directory
    build: ./components/Frontend/
    # Allow run services inside as root
    privileged: true
    # Allow restart on failure
    restart: on-failure
    # Directive to map files and folders to the container. In this case,
    all files before : are files in the user file system. The files after
     : are the location of those files in the container.
      - ./configs/app/
      - user_data:/INNUENDO
      - ./inputs/fastq:/INNUENDO/ftp/files
      - ./inputs/v1/classifications:/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/classifications
      - ./inputs/v1/core_lists:/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/core_lists
      - ./inputs/v1/indexes:/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/indexes
      - ./inputs/v1/legacy_metadata:/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/legacy_metadata
      - ./inputs/v1/legacy_profiles:/INNUENDO/inputs/v1/legacy_profiles
      - singularity_cache:/mnt/singularity_cache
    # Ports mapping between container and host
      - "5000:5000"
    # Depends on other docker-compose services to work
      - "allegro"
      - "db_innuendo"
      - "db_mlst"
      - "web"
    # Arguments to give to the
    command: ["init_allegro", "build_db", "init_app"]

As seen above, the files can be mapped with the volumes directive.

Fastq files from the user must be placed into the inputs/fastq folder to be linked with the INNUENDO Platform docker version.

Backing up/ Build data

We provide a series of scripts to backup/build all the required databases used in the docker-compose version of the INNUENDO Platform. These files are located at inside the images and need to be triggered after the application is running. This is made using the docker exec command on an already running container.

Backing up/ Build postgreSQL databases

There are four postgreSQL databases used in the INNUENDO Platform that can be backed up: innuendo, mlst_database, assemblerflow, and phyloviz.

All databases backups can be made using a single command for each database.

# Execute script on frontend container to backup database
# Information on database, username and pass are located in the
# docker-compose.yml file
docker exec innuendo_docker_frontend_1 backup <database> <username> <pass> <backup_file_name>

The build command to restore a database to a given backup state is very similar to the above.

# Execute script on frontend container to build database
docker exec innuendo_docker_frontend_1 build <database> <username> <pass> <backup_file_name>

Backing up/ Build AllegroGraph databases

Other database type used in the INNUENDO Platform is a triplestore and it is also required for the application to retrive to a given state if required.

To backup AllegroGraph, it is only required to run a single command

# Execute script on frontend container to backup allegrograph
# Information on database, username and pass are located in the
# docker-compose.yml file
docker exec innuendo_docker_frontend_1 backup <backup_file_name>

The build command is similar to the above and is required to move the application to a given state.

# Execute script on frontend container to backup allegrograph
docker exec innuendo_docker_frontend_1 build <backup_file_name>

Customizing Entrypoints

Entrypoints are the files run on container creation with a series of predefined commands.

On each component/ folder of the application you have an file and a Dockerfile.

By modifying the commands inside the you can change the default behaviour when the container for that component launches.

Useful docker commands

Bellow are some docker commands that might be useful to interact with the containers.

Show active containers.

docker-compose ps

Enter container.

docker exec -it container_name bash

List virtual volumes.

docker volume ls

List images.

docker images

Remove images

docker rmi image_name