
Good practice to install application specific dependencies is to first create a virtual environment, which will aggregate all the required dependencies for a specific application.

Because of that, the first thing to do is to install python virtualenv.

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

The code for the Frontend server is located at github and can be obtained using git.

git clone

To create the virtual environment, run the application inside the INNUENDO_PROCESS_CONTROLLER folder.


# Create virtual environment
virtualenv flask


The requirements.txt file is the file with all the required python dependencies for the application. To install them, run the following command inside the INNUENDO_PROCESS_CONTROLLER folder.

flask/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Due to some lack of some dependencies, you might also need to install the following python packages described into the following links:

Running the APP

To run the application, we first need to add the allegrograph client location to the path. To do it, install the Allegrograph client and run the following command.

export PYTHONPATH=/full/path/for/agraph-6.2.1-client-python/src/

Then, we need to run the to launch the INNUENDO_PROCESS_CONTROLLER application.
